Welly Wanders. Illustrated bucket list booklet.
This booklet explores Wellington and comprises of a bucket list of things to do in your few years as a student. It is simply a fun, graphically illustrated bucket list compared to all the boring ones online. It has tips and tricks for all the nooks and crannies around Wellington with checkboxes. It's something I wish I had as a first year.
Future Ideas: My goal is to have multiple ‘editions’ eg. food places as one, treks and walks. Furthermore, I plan to branch out into different suburbs of Auckland- starting with Takapuna.
- Illustrations
- Research into Wellington life & deals
- Custom typography
- Color palette
I passionately wanted to experience everything Wellington had to offer before I moved away.
I created what I wish I had been given as a new university student.
Moodboard & Initial planning
Welly Wanders were a hit with 100 prints shared over a week. Initially, I planned for only 15 copies but then saw a larger scale potential.
100 copies given out to students around campus, advertised on cafe’s instagram stories at the Wellington October zinefest 2023, presented to the Senior-International Recruitment Manager at VUW and 30+ copies were provided to a 1st year design class.
Sixes and Sevens in the heart of Wellington
Wellington Zinefest